safety tips

When most people think of the Spring, they often think of wonderful weather that is occasionally cool with a little bit of rain. However, they often think that this is the best time to take kids outdoors. After all, most Springs are not extremely hot, thus they do not have to worry about a child becoming dehydrated. However, there are a few safety tips to keep in mind for your kids this Spring!

  1. Still wear sunscreen!

While many people think that sunscreen is only needed when it is super-hot outside. Wearing sunscreen during the Spring time is always recommended. In fact, many people find that it is easier to get sunburned during the spring time! Be sure to have at least a 15 SPF on or higher, depending upon how you pale you and your child are!

  1. Reach for the insect repellant!

safety tipsSpring is the time that everything is coming out, including the insects. In fact, due to the milder temperatures you may find that several insects are flying high, including those that sting. Therefore, be sure to wear insect repellant and watch out for insects that could cause an issue. This is especially important for those who have children or who are themselves, allergic to bees or other stinging insects.

  1. Check your safety gear

For kids who are going to be outside riding bicycles, be sure that you do a helmet check. It is also a good idea to have a helmet worn whenever there is anything with wheels involved!

  1. Check your playground

If you have a personal playground, be sure that it is ready for the kids! Check the padding on equipment, the ground cover you have around it and the like for any possible hazards.

  1. Wear appropriate clothing

Appropriate clothing for outdoor play should be light and loose fitting. However, for those kids who have very pale skin, it may be worthy to consider long sleeves and pants as this can add more protection to their skin!