About Our Daycare School
Find Out Why We Are An Amazing Daycare School Quickly
Our Childcare Centre Has Small Class Sizes
Our Families Know That Extra Attention Means A Better Quality Education
The less children and the more teachers… the better your child’s daycare experience. So a 1 to 8 ratio is better then a 1 to 12. Enough boring ratio talk. What does his mean for you?
The lower the ratio the more time and attention your child will get from there early childhood educator. That means a much better chance of catching those educational moments.
Customized Daycare Curriculum
Your Child Learns With The Best Educational Methods We Could Find For Our Daycare
Our Calgary daycare school is so much more then a simple daycare. Most parents imagine a Calgary daycare as a place to drop off the kids. Have them do some colouring or even watch some shows and they pick up at the end of the day. This is just play. We love play but we think you need more. We hope you do to.
Why Our Childcare Teachers Are Exceptional!
Mary Poppins Doesn’t Have Anything On Our Daycare Teachers!
The right childcare teachers are very important to many parents. They are with your children all day. They guide them, care for them, teach them and even feed them. Getting the right teacher in our school is important. Our hiring process is one of the most comprehensive in the childcare business.
One Of The Few Daycares In Calgary That’s Family Owned & Operated
In Our Daycare You Get Extra Time, Attention and Care. You Are Never a Number Here
With 100% certainty it is. If you want a high quality daycare with a strong curriculum AND you want to be treated like family…then you can stop searching. Marlene and Daniel started 2000 Days Daycare for their son Owen (and now their twin girls!). He was our inspiration.