Montessori & 2000 Days Pre-Kindergarten Philosophies:
You Can Have It All
Some of the families that come to our daycare school in Calgary come from a Montessori program. They always ask what the difference is and if one is better. A lot of our families have looked at Montessori programs and then find our child care center. They love our philosophy and academics mixed with play. Many Montessori children come to 2000 Days Pre-Kindergarten and thrive. We love Montessori and incorporate the style into our program. Let’s take a closer look at both.
2000 Days Pre-Kindergarten
A curriculum that is built on tried and true methods from all over the world. Not bogged down by one teaching method of philosophy. Teacher led and child-centric educational approach with a scaffold to guide children to learning. By using children’s interests we plan their week and guide them to learning and fun. A special Plan-Do-Review part of the day (usually an hour) gets children thinking and in charge of their day. 2000 Days Pre-Kindergarten has many extra curricular activities like yoga, dance, sports. Even our daycare teachers get 6-9 months of extra training on observation and our teaching methods. For more information on our philosophy and methods,
Any Montessori
A well developed, 100 year old teaching style for children created by Maria Montessori that is a child-centric, educational approach that gives children choice and options. Also Montessori incorporates a discovery approach to learning where children are guided and not instructed. Montessori uses special materials created by Maria Montessori. For more information on the Montessori philosophy and methods,
As you can see, our methods are similar in many ways. Both our philosophies teach and let the child lead while our teachers are the guides. But if you asked us directly what are the main differences we would have to say the following:
More learning while playing. We train our teachers to find learning moments throughout the day. We like to say we “trick” your child into learning
More teachers and less students. That gives our teachers more time to teach and care for your child 2000 Days Pre-Kindergarten just has more
Montessori is a method 100 years old. We are improving our program and adding fun and de-stressing activities like yoga, dance, sports and cooking
We are family run with your child always on top of mind
2000 Days Pre-Kindergarten can make changes that benefit your family and we are not swayed by any one philosophy
We pick the best teaching methods and use them
Those are just a few of the highlights that stick out. Our daycare school uses Montessori methods in our daily activities and teaching. You don’t have to choose one or the other. Your child can have it all.