Working in childcare is an incredibly noble profession. While it may not be for everyone, those with a steady temperament and an eagerness to educate and shape young minds will find themselves thriving in such a work environment.

However, having passion and attending classes will only get you so far. When the time comes for you to demonstrate your abilities in a job interview, it’s important to come prepared, allowing you to properly showcase what makes you the perfect candidate for the role at the daycare. 

Therefore, let’s take a look at some common questions that may be asked during your interview.

4 Commonly Asked Questions When Interviewing For A Daycare

Why do you want to work here?

While perhaps not an original question, and certainly not limited to the world of childcare, this is a common question that appears in interviews. Your goal is to explain why working in childcare is how you want to spend your time, professionally speaking, and why the particular daycare facility for which you are interviewing stands out. For example, if you say you enjoy finding creative ways to teach young children, then you could also comment on how you appreciate how the Calgary SW daycare focuses on education.

Describe a time you resolved an issue with an unhappy parent.

Parents are incredibly protective of their children. While this is, of course, a good thing, it can make for uncomfortable situations when you disagree about their child’s behaviour or how the daycare is run. By speaking to a past concern, you can demonstrate your problem-solving skills, professionalism, and compassion. 

What drew you to childcare?

Daycares understand that each child in their care is special and deeply loved. Therefore, they are not willing to invest in daycare workers who aren’t committed to their role. With this question, interviewers are looking for passion and a reason for your interest in the role, rather than simply needing a job. 

What is the most important thing a daycare needs to run smoothly?

This question is designed to speak to how you will behave in the workplace. Rather than responding with physical objects, such as a calendar or snacks, be more creative with your answer. Respect, communication, and hard work are all answers that can be applied to the daycare environment and will show your character.

2000 Days Daycare is the daycare in Calgary SW, where your child will learn, laugh and grow. Our focus is to ensure that the first 2000 days of your child’s life (the most important for development) are maximized. We provide the platform where your child develops the soft skills that can help them communicate effectively, get along with other children, control their emotions, develop self-motivation and help them creatively solve problems. As a family-operated and owned SW Calgary daycare centre, we give the extra time, attention and care that your children deserve, so they can develop the skills to excel at school and grow in self-confidence. Feel free to contact us at 403-319-2332 (Extension 1) or book a tour of our Calgary daycare today!